Tuesday, June 29, 2010

We Own Nothing

We Own Nothing...

Nothing is owned by us. Everything will be given, taken, lost, abandoned or forgotten in the end. We came into our current lifetimes with nothing and no matter how much we accumulate, we leave with nothing. So wouldn't it be wise that in between, we develop no real attachments or put so much emphasis on the material?
We need material items, but not for the false security they give us but the tool they can be to further the goals of others and one's own spiritual progress. If materialism is truly used in that fashion, then it should be ok...meaning it will not cause you sufferings.
Trust the Three Jewels, be firm with your commitments by contemplating death daily, hurt no one, be honest, be kind to those around you first, then extend out, respect your guru to the utmost and engage in your daily sadhanas with great conviction. Be aware that your time will be up soon. It's important to do something useful for others in your life so that you will never end up bitter. Bitterness arises from knowing we have done nothing that has affected anyone in our lives. Start something now...better now than waste time feeling sorry for yourself or trying to elicit empty praises from others...
All is empty, arises from it and dissolves into. Therefore all imputed phenomena will decay, it is just a matter of time. Denial of it, causes great unnecessary sufferings. Don't deny anymore....
Tsem Tulku

During one of my recent talks at Kechara House...
Nothing is accomplished in one day...the bigger the project, the more the obstacles...but the obstacles you suffer is for others...so suffer it without suffering...Tsem Tulku