Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Eight Verses Of Mind Transformation

Heart Advice

The Eight Verses Of Mind Transformation

H.E. Tsem Tulku Rinpoche's message and advice

can be summed up in the following eight verses,

which he considers the essence of spirituality.

With the thought of attaining Enlightenment
for the welfare of all beings
who are more precious than a wish-fulfilling jewel
I will constantly practise holding them dear.

Whenever I am with others, I will practise
seeing myself as the lowest of all
and from the very depths of my heart
I will respectfully hold others as supreme.

In all actions I will examine my mind
and the moment a disturbing attitude arises,
endangering myself or others,
I will firmly confront and avert it.

Whenever I meet a person of bad nature,
overwhelmed by negative energy and intense suffering
I will hold such a rare one dear
as if I've found a precious treasure.

When others out of jealousy
mistreat me with abuse, slander and so on
I will practise accepting defeat
and offering the victory to them.

When someone I have benefited and in whom
I have placed great trust, hurts me very badly
I will practise seeing that person
as my supreme teacher.

In short, I will offer directly and indirectly
every benefit and happiness to all beings, my mothers.
I will practise in secret taking upon myself
all their harmful actions and sufferings.

Without these practices being defiled
by the eight worldly concerns,
by perceiving all phenomena as illusory
I will practise without grasping to release all beings
from the bondage of the disturbing unsubdued mind and karma.

by Geshe Langri Tangpa

Love Your Enemies

Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you. If anyone strikes you on the cheek, offer the other also; and from anyone who takes away your coat do not withhold even your shirt. Give to everyone who begs from you; and if anyone takes away your goods, do not ask for them again. Do to others as you would have them do to you.

The Bible

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

We often take for granted all the wonderful things in our lives. We tend to move so quickly throughout life, only paying attention to the things we do not have or feel we need quickly forgetting how much we already have. Recognizing the things that enrich our lives on a daily basis is what an attitude of gratitude is all about, whether large or small. To be grateful means to be centered in the present moment, whatever the situation.
However, some of the simplest things can be hard unless you have a spirit of constant mindfulness. Take the time to appreciate everything around you at every moment and you will find that you will enjoy more of your day, indeed more of your waking life.
The more aware we are of the blessings in our lives, the better our lives become.
Thank you for Katie Keith words on gratitude